Thekkedathu Mana is an eloquent yet compact Mansion built in traditional Kerala architecture around 125 years back. A majestic facade exemplified with a magnificent front door decorated with old metallic designs and ceilings with finely chiselled wooden designs welcomes the guests to a traditional ambience and atmosphere. The interior is superbly spaced and structured with two quartets {Nalukettu} being the defining feature. While one quartet presents bed rooms at ground floor and upstairs along its sides the other one provide the dining space and Kitchen. In between is a hall with an exclusive drawing room space.”
KR Group, one of the leading and pioneering business enterprise serving in the hospitality genre of Kerala industrial field has developed this glorious heritage mansion into a niche Ayurvedic resort.
The Mansion is situated around the centre of a sprawling three and a half acres of land. The land is sloping from the west and reaches up to a large expanse of typical Kerala paddy field in the east.”
Providing Hospitality the Correct Way
News Paper
Drinking Water
Room Service
24x7 Reception
Car Rental
Secure Wi-Fi
Swimming Pool
Ayurvedic Spa
Fine Dining
In-house Bar
Banquet Hall
Escape To The Luxury This Summer
This enables guests to enjoy leisure with a rich Kerala heritage that includes Ayurvedic treatments along with Yoga and traditional Kerala Martial Arts {Kalaripayattu} sessions even as they exist in a cosy and refined present-day habitat